
Christmas Decorating Inspiration

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had a great time with my in-laws in Virginia - more to come on that in a future post. Today I want to share some of my inspiration for decorating for Christmas. Yes, it really is time to starting thinking about that! (Although, if you listen to retailers, they'd tell you you should have been thinking about this before Halloween, ha.) I try not to think about decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but I want to be done early enough in December to be able to enjoy it for a long period of time. Tis the season :).

This year I'm going to stick mostly to four colors: green, white, burlap and silver. Thankfully, most of the Christmas decorations I have are already that color, so it'll be a good starting point. I have a few simple DIY projects planned as well to add to my existing collection. I'll post about those as I finish them up.

To keep my decorating "on track" (so as not to have a disjointed Christmas explosion all over our apartment), I've collected a few images I love for inspiration.
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Hope y'all can use some of these images as jumping-off points for your own decorating. I'm off to make some progress myself tonight after work!

1 comment:

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