We arrived late Wednesday night and enjoyed catching up with the fam before heading to bed. After a little extra sleep on Thursday morning, we headed out to enjoy some absolutely beautiful weather before settling in to a long food-filled-festival later that day.
We went on a hike at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains, taking plenty of time to stop, explore and take in our surroundings.
We managed to grab a family photo mid-way through. Note the furry one's wet legs...someone couldn't muster enough patience to cross the streams on the rocks. The water was a much more direct route - no matter how cold!
Jackson had boundless energy. He may have enjoyed this outing most of all. Three of us took turns on leash duty because he pulled us all the way up and down the mountain!
Hike + beautiful weather + good company = great success.
We spent the rest of the day mostly doing one of three things: cooking, eating, and watching football (Go Skins and Pats!). All very satisfying. Around the dinner table, we each took a turn to catch each other up on our lives since half of us now live in different places. I am grateful for this extra family I gained through marriage. They're a blessing to me.
Friday the boys went fishing while the girls headed south to Lynchburg to a mecca known as the J.Crew Warehouse Sale. Though we had to wait outside in a line for an hour and a half, inside we got to spend a couple of hours sifting through THIS:
Looks like fun, huh? Ok, not so much, but the prices are SO good, it's worth it. You just dig, dig, dig hoping to run across something in your size, color and fit. This isn't my first J.Crew Warehouse rodeo, so I've kinda got a strategy for how I go about digging through the hundreds of disorganized boxes. That's a post for another time. By the end of it, I spent about $100 for over $800 worth of merchandise. Amazing deals, people, amazing.
Saturday was more low-key, but it did include a stop at one of my most favorite fabric stores: U-Fab. It's a no-frills store full of discounted designer fabrics that are beau-ti-ful. I just love going in there to look at (and be tempted by) all of them. I managed to escape without buying anything, but did snap a few photos of my favorites.

Too bad I don't have a need to add any more fabric to my ever-growing stockpile.
We headed home Sunday morning, but not without a stop to pick up a very important item for the upcoming Christmas season...a tree! We stopped at Crazy Joe's Christmas Tree Farm to cut down our very own Norway Spruce. Here she is behind us before we took her home:
We promptly put her up when we got home, and I strung lights and tinsel garland, and carefully placed ornaments on her branches. Pictures to come.
That brings us to the end of our Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you enjoyed my little recap! How was your weekend?
Your post made me cry. I was busy with event management project topics this Thanksgiving, but I hope next year I'll be free to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing