
Metal Christmas Tree Makeover

Congrats again to Mary, the giveaway winner! As promised, I am back with a fun project I did last weekend. It's a...

A couple of years ago, my mom was cleaning out her Christmas decorations and anything she didn't want, I had a chance to take. Being the frugal shopper that I am, I jumped at the chance to acquire some free Christmas decor! One of the items I received was a pair of metal, painted Christmas trees. They originally looked like this:

I actually liked them in their original form since they're so festive (and I used them in my decorating last year), but this year, since I was going for a more silver, white and green theme, I decided to take a chance and spray paint them for a different look.

Many others have written about good spray painting technique, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time in this post doing that. The most important thing is to keep moving and use thin and even coats. Several thin is better than one thick, globby, drippy one. I think Young House Love says it best: "If you're a-sprayin', your arm better be a-swayin'." (For their tips on spray painting, see this post.)

Here's the spray paint I used:

Both are Krylon, which I've had good experience with, especially the ones that have the "spray any direction" nozzles. I used their white primer (that was good for adhering to metal) and a "brilliant" silver paint for the final finish. I did three coats of white and two coats of silver. I didn't put a clear top coat or anything on top, since these aren't exactly "heavy use" items.

Here they are primed:

And since it was dark by the time I added the silver paint, I couldn't take any outdoor pictures. You get to see the finished product in its resting place on our side table inside!

The other one is on the side table on the other side of the couch. I think they're a nice touch next to those lamps. Nothing like a little metallic sparkle to make you feel a little more festive. Am I right? And spray paint is SO easy to use for this kind of project!


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