
Fan District Art Print Giveaway!

*** This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered! ***


Thanks to everyone for the feedback on my newest art print! I decided to go ahead and put it up in my Etsy shop, so if you'd like one for yourself or a gift, you can purchase one there. You can even customize the color if you want (I shipped one out in red earlier this week and it looks fantastic!).

BUT, that's enough business for right now. Onto the good stuff! To celebrate the addition of the print to the shop, I've decided to give one away to a lucky reader. So if you've been contemplating buying one, but haven't pulled the trigger, you now have the chance to get one for free! See the details toward the bottom of the post...

I realize this print is super Richmond-centric, so I apologize if it's not of much interest to you. I would love to get the word out to as many people as possible though, so if you know any Richmonders (current or former RVA dwellers), please pass this onto them!

How to enter: 

  • Leave a comment on this post telling me what color you'd like your print to be if you win (or if you like the original gray, mention that).
  • Share this post via Facebook (or become a fan of May Richer Fuller Be), Twitter or Pinterest, and leave a comment that you did. You get an extra entry for each way you share! You can easily share this post by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of this post (see those little logos bunched up together down there?).
  • Giveaway closes next Wednesday, February 20th at 11:59pm.
  • The winner will be determined using random.org and announced here on the blog on Thursday.
Good luck!

Psst...I'm thinking about offering custom prints for other neighborhoods. Interested? Shoot me an email at mayricherfullerbe{at}gmail.com and I'll be happy to work with you!


  1. These are great! I love the gray one!

  2. I'd love one! I also love the gray!

  3. Love it! In RED sounds really fun!

  4. I love it! In RED sounds really fun!

  5. This is super cute! I'd love one in blue :)

  6. Chaney, I love these!!!! Love the gray one!!
    Miss seeing you!!

  7. I love it in the original gray!!

  8. This is lovely--gray is just right!

  9. Just pinned it!

  10. Just became a Facebook "liker"--love the name of your blog by the way :)

  11. Liked it on facebook. Shared it on facebook. Pinned it. Boom!

  12. I just liked it on facebook!

  13. I just pinned it as well! Great job on this Chaney!

    1. Thanks Sarah Gray! Hope you're well. Thanks for entering :).

  14. Just pinned it and liked it on facebook! Trying to keep up with VA :)


If you enjoyed this post, have a question, or just want to say hey, please leave a comment! I read each comment and love to respond (usually by email), so check your inbox if you don't see a response below!