
Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope y'all have a lovely Valentine's Day today. Regardless of your relationship status, this day provides a lovely excuse to eat a little extra chocolate, indulge in some conversation hearts, or hug/squeeze the ones you love a little more often. 

Valentine's Day has never been that big of a deal to C and me (yep, "me" is the correct grammar). I do like to make sure we set apart time to have significant conversation, a good meal, and be away from the hustle and bustle for a couple of hours. Originally, we were planning a casual date night at home with an indoor picnic-style dinner (of delicious takeout). Maybe play some music, maybe some candles...you know, to up the romance factor :). Sounded lovely.

Then yesterday afternoon, C got a call from my dad, who got a last minute reservation for dinner at this amazing carriage house in DC, and, bonus! another spot had opened up - did we want it?

Um, yes? Definitely. Sign us up now.

You might be thinking, "What's the big deal? Who cares about a dinner at a carriage house?" Well, there's a reason I got so excited about this. It's because this particular carriage house was featured in this month's issue of Garden and Gun magazine. (Side note: if you haven't read this magazine, go get yourself a copy now. You can thank me later. The writers/photographers/stories are uh-mazing.) I've been salivating over the idea of visiting it in person ever since reading the article about it and drooling over seeing the photos. I even mentioned to C that I was going to find a way to go see it in person. Promise I'm not a stalker. It was just love at first sight. I mean, take a look at this beauty...

{all images courtesy of Garden and Gun}

Now tell me, don't you want to come too? 

I'm dying here. I don't even care about what we eat - although I hear it'll be good since a former Top Chef contender will be at the helm in the kitchen. You can read more about the house, its history and the current owners' story in  this article.

I'll be back soon with a full report (and hopefully some photos if I can take them!).

Oh, and of course I want to wish my hubby a very happy Valentine's Day. Love you babe! You're my favorite :).

{engagement photo c. 2009}

1 comment:

  1. This place looks stunning!!! Jealous! Good to hear you like Garden & Gun, perhaps I need to subscribe...


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