
Equestrian-Inspired Spaces

And they're off!

Nothing gets my heart pounding faster than cheering on my chosen horse in the Kentucky Derby every year. I have an undying love for this event that stems from my years of horseback riding growing up. Fun fact: I really wanted to be a professional jockey for awhile... unfortunately, those career aspirations faded away by about 9th grade, since I was already 5'8". Oh well. :) I did compete on my high school's equestrian team though, so I guess that makes up for it? Ok, maybe not quite the equivalent. I never lost interest in the Derby though, and every year, the first Saturday in May revolves around that two-minute horse race.

In honor of the 139th Run for the Roses, I thought I'd round up a few of my favorite equestrian-inspired spaces. I think of this style as classic with a touch of utilitarian, worn-in/rustic, and comfortable. It leans towards farmhouse, maybe? Let's take a tour of my take on equestrian-inspired decor.

Man, collecting these photos sure made me miss my days of horseback riding. Maybe one day I'll have a chance to get back into it.

Anyone going to or hosting a Derby party this weekend? I'll definitely be making some mint juleps in honor of the race and placing some friendly bets on who I think will be the winning horse!


  1. Nice round-up! I'll take the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the Style at Home photo.

    1. Thanks Alison. I'm partial to the puppies as well! They make a great addition to the decor, right?? :)

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  7. Amazing, Your blogs are really great and informative. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. It is very great and informative. I thought I'd round up a few of my favorite equestrian-inspired spaces. I think of this style as classic with a touch of utilitarian, why do people from india immigrate to the us?, Keeps sharing more useful information in your blogs..

  8. The author expresses their passion for equestrian events and horseback riding, which has led to a love for equestrian-inspired decor. The spaces shared exude a classic and utilitarian charm, with a touch of rustic comfort. The farmhouse aesthetic is prominent, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The use of worn-in materials, earthy tones, and rustic elements captures the essence of equestrian style. The combination of leather, wood, and muted colors contributes to a timeless and cozy ambiance. The author's personal connection to horseback riding and the Kentucky Derby adds a special touch to their appreciation of these spaces. They suggest hosting a Derby party with mint juleps and friendly bets, setting the perfect backdrop for a memorable and stylish celebration. The author's high school equestrian team experience adds a personal touch to their appreciation of the Derby and these decor styles. abogados de accidentes de moto


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