
Do-It-Herself Workshop at The Home Depot

I can't believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I'm headed to spend time with my in-laws for the next few days, so things will pick back up here on the blog on Monday. I'm looking forward to a nice, long long weekend! I wanted to leave you with one quick post before I go though, but I have to warn you, my experience with the Home Depot's Do-It-Herself Workshop wasn't exactly what I had hoped it would be...

Here it goes.

Last week, I was so excited to go to my local Home Depot for a Do-It-Herself Workshop to make a wood monogram wreath. After hearing about it from Kristen (The Hunted Interior) and Melissa (The Inspired Room), I immediately signed up. After all, I'd get to use power tools, which is a rarity round these parts, and I love using power tools. I also love monogrammed things. Win win. I mean, check out the advertised project:

Looks pretty awesome, yes?

So off I went after work on a Thursday evening, a little overly excited, to the Home Depot. I arrived at 6:30 (the reminder email said they start promptly, and being the rule follower that I am, I did just that), and I started to get a bad feeling about things when I showed up at customer service and no one had a clue about what I was talking about when I said, "I'm here for the Do-It-Herself workshop! Where do I go!?"

They looked at me like I was a crazy person. Like, what's this "workshop" you're referring to?

Not good.

After about 10 minutes of calling around to different people in the store, they get in touch with someone who is supposed to be in charge. She says they're still setting up and I should wait at customer service. Ok, that's fine, I understand things get delayed sometimes...

So I wait.

And wait.

Until 7:05, when someone comes to get me. Looks like I'm the only one there for the workshop...yikes! And what's worse? They don't have anything set up when I get to the makeshift work area. Turns out they didn't read the instructions and didn't realize that we would be using tools and wood and such. They thought we were decorating pre-made wreaths. I think the ad was pretty clear about what we were supposed to be making?

Eventually they got it together (sorta) and I made a wreath, but didn't get to use the power tools. One of the employees did all the "fun stuff" while I watched. :( I did decorate the my monogram letter using supplies we picked up from different areas of the store (literally, we walked around trying to find stuff to decorate with), but it wasn't quite how I imagined the workshop going.

I'm trying not to rant here, but I was a tad disappointed by how this whole thing went down. I did end up with a pretty nice-looking garland-wrapped monogrammed wreath (sprayed with glitter, I might add) to take home, but everything happened so haphazardly I was just ready to be done with it.

To end on a positive note, here's my finished wreath! Lovely.

I hope you all have wonderful long weekends celebrating Thanksgiving wherever you are. I have much to be thankful for this year, and I'm sure you do as well!


  1. home depot's website has a listing of all their supposed "workshops" and i had planned on going to a couple of them last year. i called the store ahead of time just to make sure (this happened on three different occasions at two separate stores!), and same thing - no one knew what in the world i was talking about!! i get the impression that they just don't get much interest in them so they don't distribute much info to their team about them. disappointing to say the least!

  2. Aww sad! At least you got a nice little wreath in the end!
    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  3. Wow, that is crazy! I'm glad you at least ended up with a cute wreath.

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