
Lovely Links - It's Back!

Happy November, y'all! In my head, this is the month that means it's really fall - at least in my neck of the woods. It usually means that the cold is here to stay for a good while, so it's time to break out the flannel, boots and warm blankets, and snuggle up with a hot cup of cider while watching some great football (go Tigers!). It's also the month of Thanksgiving, which ties for first place with Christmas as my favorite holiday. What does November mean to you?

Besides today being the first day of a new month, it's also the return of Lovely Links - my regular Friday post! It went on hiatus during my 31 Days series, and I'm so glad to see it back. I love scouring the web to find awesome things to share with you each week. There's a good mix of projects, organization ideas and articles in today's edition, so grab your hot beverage of choice and read awhile...

1 | First up, more artEdie is a beautiful writer and this post is no exception! I especially like this: "All of life is art. Embrace it with full abandon."

2 | It is waaay too early for Christmas stuff in my opinion, but this wreath from Craftberry Bush? Amazing. Love. Can't wait to try it.

3 | Brilliant and yum are the two words I have for this caramel apple bar. It's a perfect dessert idea for a fall get-together (and a whole lot less messy than trying to eat a whole, unsliced caramel apple!)

4 | I haven't had a chance to look through a ton of the 31 Days series quite yet, but there is one I got totally hooked on and looked forward to reading every day: 31 Days to Shopping Goodwill Better from Dear Mushka. I love the thrill of the hunt at thrift stores, and this series is a great intro to how to shop at a thrift store. If you're not a thrift store shopper now, you might be after reading this series!

5 | I've always got my eye out for well designed small spaces, and this cute studio apartment is a winner in my book! I'm so impressed with how functional and beautiful Lauren made her 250 square foot apartment.

6 | Need a versatile organizing container? Try this $3.00 version from IKEA (it's part of the Antonius line). Look how many ways you could use it!

7 | Sarah M. Dorsey's gold pharmacy lamp makeover is oh so lovely. She used a special artist's spray paint to get that pretty gold color. I'm putting it on my list of things to try some day...

8 | Lastly, I'm totally smitten with this West Elm-knockoff DIY herringbone mirror Jackie did. Isn't it purdy?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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  1. Chaney, Hooray for finishing the 31 days. Your series was wonderful. Thank you for sharing my DIY Herringbone Mirror (fits so well with using and loving what you have).

  2. Wow! Thank you for including me in this!
    I also post some of my web faves on Fridays but just couldn't make myself do it on November 1st- I'm impressed you did!
    It will be fun to see if we ever post any of the same finds in the future :)

  3. From fashion to beauty to lifestyle tips, Lovely Links - It's Back! has everything you need to stay on top of the latest trends. Shop now and elevate your style game.
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  4. This article brings the warm atmosphere of November with Monkey Mart Game interesting sharing about fall, Thanksgiving and creative DIY ideas.


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