
Philadelphia | Tell Me All About It!

{amycnelson on Etsy}

If you caught my blog post on Monday, you know that we're moving to Philadelphia this summer! We're off to a new adventure in a new-to-us city! I mentioned that we know very little about this city except for the area of town we know we'll be living in - Center City.

I hear they have good cheese steaks though.

And the Liberty Bell.

...Oh, and the Rocky steps.

SO. I'm hoping at least some of you are more familiar with the city than we are and can point us in the right direction in terms of good restaurants, fun things to do, cheap date night activities (we will be on a grad school budget after all) and local shopping spots (perhaps some good thrift shops?!). Being the planners that we are, we like to do our research - even with the move being months away.

If you've ever vacationed, lived there or taken a weekend trip, I'd love your tips! What are you favorite things about the city?

Another thing I'd love to do is connect with other Philadelphia-area bloggers and creatives, so if you ARE one of those (or know anyone who is), let's hang out, mmk?

So spill. Tell me all your Philadelphia faves!

P.S. I'm bracing myself for the big ole winter storm that's coming our way tonight. I'll be wearing my pjs inside out and backwards hoping for big snow. I do love a good snow storm ;). If it's gonna be this dang cold, it might as well be pretty! Although, now that I work from home, there'll be no snow days for me, boo. Do y'all have snow where you live?


  1. There is so much to do in Philly. I would check out http://www.phillymag.com/be-well-philly/ for free or low cost yoga-type classes, and http://www.uwishunu.com/ for events and restuarant recommendations. Philly is particularly well known for its BYO restaurants ( a great way to save $) and brunch places. In the summer, there is Center City Sips, which is a happy hour with low cost cocktails and appetizers every Wednesday evening. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need recommendations for anything :)

  2. FUN!!! When we lived in DC we took about a dozen day trips to Philly - probably one of our favorite east coast cities. My absolute fav cheese steak was from Talk of the Town - a little hole in the wall place by the football stadium. We also loved visiting the Reading Terminal Market. And since we are big history nerds we loved touring the Betsy Ross House and seeing Independence Hall. Obviously mostly tourist stuff. Once you get settled you'll have to post about your favorites so I can check them out whenever we finally get back to the east coast!! Good luck with your move!!


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