
Lovely Links

It's Friday! Yay! I'm excited to hang out with some friends and do some relaxing this weekend :). I'm also prepping a couple of fun posts for y'all next week of my parents' river house. I snapped some photos of the first floor last weekend and can't wait to share them with you! My mom has fabulous taste and has decorated it beautifully with family and thrifted pieces. I know you'll enjoy it.

But onto the main event this week - here are some lovely blog posts (and a video this time) I came across this week!

1 | Love the touch of glam these DIY Anthro knockoff knobs add to the simple drawers Kelly and her hubby built for their closet.

2 | Oh how I want to make a couple of these cage sconces for our bedroom! Too bad we'll only be here a few more months. Maybe in our next place?

3 | We haven't quite started house hunting in Philly yet, but I'm thinking one of these floor plan creator apps (reviewed by YHL) are really going to come in handy when it comes to planning our move. I love having floor plans and measurements handy so I can plan where furniture will go, but it's a pain to actually measure rooms - especially when you don't live in the city you're moving to yet!

4 | Amy is one talented lady when it comes to doodling! This is what her "doodles" look like, and she shows you how you can make one too! This makes for some very fun handmade art.

5 | I enjoyed escaping life for a few minutes looking through the photos of this dreamy cozy cabin dinner... I suggest you do the same :).

6 | Whoa baby. Moving organization awesomeness. Deme shows you how she managed and organized a long distance move with this super functional (but simple) system. Can you tell I've got moving on the brain these days?

7 | I haven't seen Frozen, but I love the soundtrack, and this video of these two parents lip-synching to Love is an Open Door put a big smile on my face this week. It's so stinkin' fun! I hope I'm this cool when I'm a parent one day.

8 | And lastly, to get your mouth watering, take a look at this goat cheese and caramelized onion pizza. Yum, yum, yum. Must try this sometime.

Happy weekend, y'all!

P.S. Don't forget to pin from the ORIGINAL source if you want to keep track of any of these lovely links! :)


  1. Thanks so much for the feature today!!

    xo, amy

  2. Those little feather doodles are awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing my link, bud! :)
    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  3. Thanks for including our moving post in your round-up! My mouth is seriously watering over that pizza!!


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