
{Inspiration} Small Spaces That Pack A Lot of Punch

The countdown to moving is ON. We head to Philadelphia next weekend! Ever since we signed the lease on our little house, I've been brainstorming about how to make it our home. The house clocks in at just about 1,000 square feet, so each space is going to have to be hard-working to function well and look good at the same time.  Even though we've been living in a small space in DC, the space is set up so differently in this one that I feel like I'm starting from scratch in terms of decorating and organizing (that's not a bad thing!). I've been rounding up some inspiration on small homes that do design, space planning and organization well, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite images and why they work with y'all today.

Let the fun begin!

1 | Up the seating capacity in the living room with low profile and mobile items like these poufs. They don't take up much space, and provide comfortable landing spots for extra company.

2 | Go vertical! Install open shelving in kitchens, living room walls, bathrooms or above other furniture, or bring in some freestanding bookshelves (no doors - keep the space looking open).

3 | Define spaces even where there isn't technically one. Entryways are perfect examples of this. Small homes (including our future one!) often lack them. This helps keep things organized and functional.



4 | Get creative with storage. Platform beds with cubbies? Check. Magnetic strips to hang knives in the kitchen? Yes please. Using furniture in unexpected ways? Why not.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to maximize space, function and efficiency while preserving (and creating!) beauty. I love the idea of a good challenge when it comes to making small homes as functional as possible. Stay tuned for how we make ours work well for us!

And if you're in the market for more ideas on this topic, I just created a new Pinterest board called "Small House Inspiration" where I'll be pinning my finds. Come follow it here.


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