
The Master To Do List

First of all, thanks for all your kind words about our new home! I hope you enjoyed the first peek :). I've had a lot of ideas swirling around in my head since we moved in about how we can make this place feel like our home for the next two years. Since we rent, there's only so much we can do to change things up, but if y'all haven't noticed yet - I'm all about creative solutions! I'm excited to get started. Like I mentioned in Monday's post, I thought I'd put together a master "to do list" of sorts for this house. I'm sure things will change and evolve along the way, so we'll see how it goes! I apologize if this little exercise seems boring to some of y'all (I know, I know, it's not as exciting as say, a DIY project like this one), but there's nothing like sharing goals publicly to keep me accountable.

{The Main Level}

As you can see, this is the ultimate open floor plan. The total area measures 12' x 25'. The front door leads into the kitchen, which leads into the dining space, which finally leads into the living room (then to the back patio!). Phew! The overarching goal in this space is to give it a cohesive look while defining the different areas/functions.

To do:

  • Define an entry area using hooks, (maybe) a floating shelf and a mirror
  • Add a fun-patterned cafe curtain for the front door
  • Utilize cabinet space well to maximize the functionality of the small kitchen
  • Figure out a good pantry solution since there isn't one!
  • Add a magnetic knife strip to free up drawer space
  • Add baskets or other storage bins to the top of the cabinets to increase the capacity for infrequently used items like serving dishes
  • Organize the freezer with bins like our last apartment since there aren't shelves or dividers
Dining Area
  • Make the transition from tile to wood flooring less obvious since the table straddles the two (any ideas, friends?)
  • Not much else?
Living Area
  • Choose a new paint color for all the walls 
  • Bring in some task lighting (I'm thinking a floor lamp and/or wall sconces since we don't have room for end tables)
  • Create a gallery wall or maybe bring in a large piece of art to adorn that massively long wall
  • Figure out a seating arrangement that makes the fireplace more accessible
  • Brighten up the fireplace area (that dark tile isn't doing it any favors) - I'd love to paint the mantle white, but that's probably a no-go since we're renting
  • Hide the TV, cable box, modem and wireless router cords

{Master Bedroom}

Our bedroom isn't large clocking in at 9' x 12'. My husband always says that he doesn't want to waste square footage on a space where you really only sleep, so I guess this fits the bill, huh C? It's just enough though to do all the things we need it to do.

To do:
  • Probably paint the walls in here here too - a light gray perhaps (?)
  • Get a bedskirt 
  • Add a mirror/art/something round above the headboard to replace the paint-dipped sunburst mirror that didn't survive the move
  • Replace curtains (we had the flax-colored ones handy and needed curtains ASAP since our bedroom faces the street)
  • Add art to the walls
  • Makeover C's bedside table to match my West Elm wood tile knockoff (you can't see it in the photo above, but it's green and peely) 
  • Change out floor lamps for wall sconces

 {Office/Dressing Room}

This room is my little haven. It's where I spend about eight hours a day and it's where I store my clothing. There's a big dresser you can't see on the wall opposite my desk and there's also a closet to the left. This room measures 9' x 8'.  

To do:
  • Paint (do you see a theme here?)
  • Break up all the wood tones with painted furniture or something else - I haven't figured out what yet
  • Add floating shelves to one of the walls for office storage
  • Rearrange office furniture so it looks less cluttered
  • Add a roman shade or blinds to the itty bitty window
  • Add art to the room

I think that'll do it for the main level and upstairs. I don't think there's a particular order for getting these things done since everything is pretty functional right now. Expect to hop around the house with various projects as I do them. :)

The basement (which houses our guest bed and second bathroom) and back patio to do lists will come in another post, but there's a lot of potential for each of those spaces. Ahh, I'm so pumped to get going! Thanks, as always, for following along! And if you have any brilliant ideas, send 'em my way.

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