
Welcome To Our New Home! {Philadelphia Row House}

Happy Monday! I promised y'all a house update this week and today you're gonna get it! If you want to see some realtor photos and read a little bit of the back story on this place, you can head over to this post. I'll briefly show you three of our four main spaces today and then I'm thinking I may put together a list of things I'd like to do/change for each in another post a la Young House Love's "Listy McListerson" (here's an example). As you can imagine, our little house is in its infancy in terms of decorating at this stage. I'm not apologizing (we're not into perfection in these parts), just giving you fair warning. I'm keeping it real and showing you things as they stand today. No art on the walls, no staging (ok, maybe a tiny bit), potentially awkward furniture placement, etc. One day at a time, my friends, one day at a time.

Y'all ready for this?

Welcome to our 1850s Philadelphia row house!

Kitchen/Living Room/Dining Area:

Yep, it's all one big (well, petite actually) room. The front door leads into the kitchen on the left (I was standing at the front door when I took the photo above) and the living/dining area straight ahead. I love how open it is - I can't imagine having any walls in here. We managed to figure out how to get all of our living room furniture in along with our dining table, but it's a little tight. I'm not sure how to fix that, but we'll live with it for awhile and see how we end up using the space.

We have a fireplace(!) by the back door, which I'm psyched about and hope we'll be able to use come wintertime.

Here are some other angles of the space:

The kitchen is small (are you sensing a theme here?), but it has everything we need. I've already written an Ode To Small Kitchens in my head as we've been using it...including the pros and cons...if you're lucky, I'll share it with you sometime. Maybe it'll even rhyme. ;)


The upstairs is home to two bedrooms and a bathroom. One bedroom is ours and the other is my office/dressing room and closet.

Here's our bedroom:

If you've been following the blog for any length of time, you'll notice that it looks pretty much the same as it did in our DC apartment. No surprises there! We went ahead and threw up some curtains on the windows because it turns out that you can see straight into our bedroom from the street and there's a streetlight shining directly in there as well. The curtains definitely aren't my favorite for the space, but they're doing their job of blocking out the light and giving us privacy quite nicely for now.


I cannot tell you how excited I am to have an actual office. Now of course, in a tiny house, it has to multitask as my closet/dressing room (sounds way more luxurious than it is, let me tell you), but it has a door! And it's not our bedroom! Winner.

Those are all the photos you get for today. I have SO many thoughts on this house to share, but I'll hold off since that would lead to a marathon of a post. We also have a finished basement (it's the guest room) that's not quite ready for its debut. Thanks for traveling along on this journey with me as we set up shop here in Philadelphia for the next two years, y'all. If you have any ideas for the house based on what you've seen, I'm all ears!


  1. Yay! Congrats on getting all moved in. I know you are going to have so much fun getting everything all set up just how you like it. And I love that it is so old - so much history!

  2. Gosh Chaney, I think you have already added charm and coziness to the space. The yellow in the main living area makes things cheerful and bright. You've accomplished a lot already! Now you get to have more fun styling and accessorizing, putting your own spin on things. May the Lord bless you abundantly in your new home.

  3. it's adorable! i am so impressed with how good it looks already!


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