
Trend Alert: Copper

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Happy Monday y'all! How were your weekends? I just got back from a whirlwind work trip to New Orleans, so I've got a short post for you today that I've been wanting to share for awhile now.

I've seen a fun trend popping up all over home decor and DIY land lately - copper! - and I'm really diggin' it. I think I'm still a gold girl at heart, but copper is a fun accent to throw in as well to change things up. It mixes nicely with other metals and really brings a feeling of warmth to a room - similar to the way that gold and brass do. As many of us start to cozy up our homes for fall with the arrival of cooler temperatures, this is a perfect accent color to bring in. In my (humble) opinion, it looks best in small doses like in the photos above. A little goes a long way!

Copper can be quite an expensive metal to buy (ever taken a look at the price of copper cookware or pipes?), but you don't have to actually buy real copper to get the look in your home. Try spray painting or adding copper leaf to an accessory. Some of those things may be in my crafting future!

What do you think of the copper trend? Is it something you have or want to bring into your home?


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