
Lovely Links

I hope y'all have had great weeks and are enjoying fall whenever you are!

I've got some pretty things, some yummy things, and some inspiring things to share with y'all today before I head out for the weekend. Enjoy!

*As usual, if you like something you see here, please pin from the original source. The link is always right below the photo or in the caption. Give these sites some love! :)

1 | Let's start off with a bang, shall we? How awesome is this bathroom wall from Classy Clutter? She made the floral pattern out of vinyl decals to mimic some gorgeous wallpaper.

2 | I love the rug Julia added to her living room.

3 | And how about another pretty living room? There are lots more photos over on Style Me Pretty :).

4 | Kirsten's DIY thank you cards have me dreaming of making some cute stationery. Great gift idea, yes?

5 | Garlands are such an easy way to make a room look festive. I'm loving this one created by the gals from designlovefest.

6 | Brussel sprouts are my favorite veggie right now (which is kind of hilarious since I pretty much hated them until a few years ago...), and this pasta dish looks super yummy.

Happy weekend everyone!


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