
Flocked Christmas Trees: Yay or Nay?

This season, I've noticed a lot more flocked trees popping up on Christmas home tours and on Pinterest than in past years. Is the flocked tree trending, or is it just me happening to notice it this year?

I've always loved the look of a natural green Christmas tree and have never had a flocked one myself, but I've gotta say, I'm quite smitten with having a flocked tree sometime in the near future. The snowy look adds a bit of romance to the tree, don't you think?

It certainly adds a "wow factor" to a tree - whether it's the big one in the corner of a living room or a little one on top of a table :).

I can't decide if it falls on the modern or traditional side of Christmas decor...maybe it's both? Either way, it would look great in anyone's home, no matter their style!

So what do you think of flocked Christmas trees. Do you have one? Would you have one in your home? Or do you think this is the worst Christmas decorating idea ever? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I'm loving the flocked trees and really wishing I had one now, lol :)

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