
Lovely Links

Happy Friday y'all! We got a big ole winter storm yesterday (what I hope is our last!) in Philly and though I'm ready for winter to be over, the snow sure is pretty! I don't know if it's still winter-like where you are, but if you're hunkered down for the weekend, I've got some good reading and some pretty eye candy for you.


*Please remember to pin from the original source*

1 | Emily (from Jones Design Company) posted a gorgeous inspiration board for her dream bathroom this week...even though she has no plans to redo the one she has. I love that she still let herself dream and pull this pretty room together! I love her ideas.

2 | Couch shopping on a budget? Don't miss these great finds with modern lines for under $1000.

3 | I'm digging the mid-century look right now (as is much of the design world!), and this hack has me dreaming of a trip to IKEA soon...

4 | PSA from Emily Henderson: Don't buy rugs that are too small! (Amen sister!)

5 | This little boy's nursery is so adorable! I love seeing little rooms with BIG design.

6 | And lastly, a beautiful, classic white living room. You've gotta see the before photos.

Happy weekends to y'all!

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