
Easter 2015

My family on Easter (2015)

Easter may be my favorite holiday of the whole year. More than Christmas. More than Thanksgiving. There are all sorts of reasons why that's the case, including my faith, which is the reason we celebrate it in the first place. It's the most joyful day of the year for Christians and it's one that people observe all over the world - I love that! This weekend, we got to spend Easter with my family and a couple of friends and it really was an incredible, joyful celebration.

One of my new favorite traditions is going to an Easter Vigil on Saturday night at our old church in DC. Since my family lives in that area, we were thrilled to have a chance to go back to that event this year even though we live in Philly now. If you live in the DC area, this is something you don't want to miss! Head over here to read more about it. And go next year. Trust me :).

Spending time with family and friends in a super relaxed, low key way was also one of the highlights of this past weekend. Of course, there was lots of FOOD involved throughout the weekend and we were stuffed to the gills by the time we left on Sunday!

One fun thing that was a bonus to our already yummy meals for the weekend was a fresh fruit basket delivery from Shari's Berries*.

We added some of the tangerines and pears to our fruit salad for pre-church brunch and they were delicious!

After lunch, we had quite the feast of leg of lamb, rosemary potatoes and brussel sprouts, and topped it off with way too many chocolate covered strawberries and cute little Easter-themed brownie pops (also from Shari's Berries). I have been forbidden from including photos of people eating them since biting into a chocolate covered strawberry isn't exactly the prettiest thing to watch :). Does this photo get your mouth watering, or what? Those brownie pops were more like fudge in the middle - so rich and so good.

When we weren't eating on Sunday, we were spending time outside hanging out, chatting and even playing a little bit of croquet! We were very thankful to (finally!!) have beautiful spring weather that allowed us to be outside for a good chunk of the afternoon. Sadly, because we're just hitting spring after a brutally long winter, there were no cherry blossoms out yet (we attempted to spot some downtown on Saturday, which was a fail, ha!).

This weekend was one to remember. On our drive back to Philly with our friends last night, we all remarked on how much we enjoyed the whole weekend. It was marked with joy, gratitude, laughter and fun celebration. All in all, I'm very thankful for it! I hope you all had wonderful Easter weekends as well, wherever you spent them, and that you have a great start to your week!

*A huge thanks to Shari's Berries for providing the yummy treats in this post for their #EasterJoy campaign. All opinions are my own. See my full disclosure at the footer of the blog. 

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1 comment:

  1. تابلو ال ای دی به دو شکل متفاوت اجرا می شود و می تواند سبب معروفیت برند و جذب مشتریان بیشتری شود
    تابلو ال ای دی ثابت
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