
Lovely Links

Happy Friday! We're heading to my parents' house this weekend to celebrate Easter. I'm pumped! It's one of my absolute favorite holidays since it's such an important one for my faith and it's always a great time of joyful celebration.

I hope you have a great weekend wherever your might be - and I hope you enjoy this fun roundup of links before you head out!

1 | Baskets are one of my favorite pretty storage solutions and Dina rounded up a bunch of good ones over here!

2 | This Vintage Revivals post from April 1 cracked me up. If you're a regular reader, you'll get a kick out of it. If you're not a regular reader, well, I think you'll think it's pretty funny too.

3 | I thought this was an interesting read from Milk & Honey Home on a self-taught design career. I'm not sure I agree with every word, but it's certainly thought-provoking and inspiring!

4 | Need some tips on taking better interior photos? Here's a good place to start.

5 | Ikea hack alert! I love wall sconces over a bed and these super affordable ones are awesome.

6 | And lastly, as a nod to Easter on Sunday, here are some pretty gold eggs!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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