
River House Twin Bedroom Makeover {Before + Design Plan}

Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be tackling a bedroom makeover at my parents' river house. One of the upstairs bedrooms is in need of some color and style, and my mom has given me the go ahead to take on the project. She's my partner in crime on this one and we've already had a ton of fun putting together ideas and getting our supplies together and making selections on beds, lamps, etc. I'm so excited to get started!

I thought it would be fun to share the makeover in "real time" starting with the before photos and design plan today, an update or two along the way, and then a final reveal when we finish. Ready to see the see the room?

The upstairs of this house has two bedrooms: one with a queen bed and one with two twins. The second floor has some tricky angles due to the roofline and dormers making space planning a challenge.

The only good place for the beds is where they are now under these dormers. The twin beds snuggle in nicely there though, so that's good!

It's a fairly large room, but with those tricky angles it's a little tough to "fill" the space well. One thing this room has going for it right now though is the incredible natural light it gets from a skylight and a window. During the day, you don't have to turn lights on up there, which is amazing, don't you think?

All in all, it's a very functional room, but it's time to infuse some color!

The plan is to try to use some of the existing pieces and shop the house to keep it budget-friendly, but we're adding several new pieces as well. Those honey-colored wood beds (they used to be my brother's bunk beds when he was a kid - that's the reason they're different heights) are being replaced with some awesome upholstered headboards I'm DIYing. There will be new bed linens and table lamps as well. I'll have more details on the specifics of what we chose for the room once we get a little farther along in the project, but for now, here's the design plan for the space:

We've already ordered nearly everything for the project and now the hardest part begins - waiting for it all to arrive. I've still got a few items to source, but I think we're in good shape so far. Stay tuned for updates over the next couple of weeks!

Want to see more of the river house and the projects I've done here? Try these posts!

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