
MRFB on Sabbatical

Hey friends! Happy Memorial Day! Just a quick programming note to say that May Richer Fuller Be is taking a little break between now and mid-July. My husband and I have headed off on a little adventure helping out with a summer program in Massachusetts and the blog will be on sabbatical during that time. I'll probably be popping in on Instagram (follow MRFB here and Mix & Match Design Company here) every now and then, but otherwise things will be pretty quiet!

When I get back, there are a few projects I can't wait to share with you including photos of the finished Philadelphia suburbs master bedroom design I shared recently, a dining room e-design from the giveaway from Mix & Match and eventually, our very own kitchen reno! It's going to be a fun second half of the summer - stay tuned!

Thanks for following along, and as always, if you need help with your home, head on over to Mix & Match to check out my e-design services!

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